2024 General Election Candidates

Meet your 2024 General Election Candidates for Taunton & Wellington, Bridgwater, and Tiverton & Minehead. Your election candidates all live in Western Somerset, and stand to represent you for a fairer, greener future.

Donate to our Crowdfunder and help get our candidates on the ballot!

Ryan Trower – election candidate for Taunton & Wellington

committee member and electoral candidate, Ryan Trower, standing in a park

Ryan Trower is your election candidate for Taunton & Wellington.

He joined the Green Party in May 2023, inspired by the Green success in that year’s local elections. 

Ryan believes that politics is something we should do, not something that should be done to us. He believes the Green Party offers politics we can all do, based on progressive ideas and local issues.

“I want to bring this kind of politics to Taunton and Wellington; working with you to make our towns fairer and greener, and fit for a sustainable future.”

Away from the Green Party, Ryan is a photographer. He also works at Bridgwater and Taunton College as a photography and media technician. There, he is also the Just Transition officer for the University and Colleges Union, and also sits on the college climate action committee.

e: taunton.wellington@votegreen.uk

t: 07481920544

Ryan is also the branch public enquiry officer.

Charlie Graham – election candidate for Bridgwater

Charles Graham first stood as a General Election candidate for Bridgwater & West Somerset in 2005.  Alongside and after a career as a fruit grower and HGV lorry driver with local companies, Charles has served the Green Party as Coordinator for Sedgemoor & West Somerset, the Southwest Regional Green Party and currently as Coordinator for the Western Somerset Green party. 

A lifelong Bridgwater area resident, he has served as a Parish Councillor and secondary school governor. 

Familiar with and sharing the everyday budgeting difficulties most of us are experiencing, and knowing there is not a more powerful electoral message than to vote Green, Charles is seeking your vote, to ensure solutions chosen to today’s challenges, including the Climate and Nature, are fair and affordable.

e: bridgwater@votegreen.uk

t: 01278 722732

Charles is also the branch co-ordinator.

Laura Buchanan – election candidate for Tiverton and Minehead

I’ve lived in Somerset/Devon most of my life. I grew up on the Somerset Levels and now live in Mid-Devon within the new Tiverton & Minehead constituency.

I am standing as your Green Party MP candidate to change things for the better and give you the
opportunity to vote for something different.

I have a degree in Economics, and currently work for the University of Exeter as a Knowledge
Transfer Project Manager as well as also working part-time as a Development Manager for Share
Shop Tiverton – a new Library of Things (run by Sustainable Tiverton).

I have a young family and live on a smallholding.

I am a member of the Green Party as I believe they are the only political party which treats the
climate emergency as a priority and the only party which will put the environment at the heart of everything it does.

With the creation of the new Minehead and Tiverton constituency we have a chance to reset voting history and I urge you to vote for the party which most closely aligns with your values.

The Green Party are the only party which will put a liveable climate and a healthy natural world at
the centre of their polices. We might not win, but every vote for the Greens signals to the other
parties they must do more to protect our environment.

Don’t feel forced in to your second choice, VOTE GREEN.

e: tiverton.minehead@votegreen.uk

Find out more about the Mid-Devon Greens here, and support their election fundraiser here.

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