
Welcome to the Western Somerset Green Party!

The Western Somerset Green Party has nearly 250 members, and covers the area from Exmoor in the west and the Mendip Hills in the east, Brean in the North and the Blackdown Hills in the South.

It includes the towns of county town of Taunton, as Wellington, Bridgwater, Minehead, Burnham and Axbridge.

We aim to hold events and get to know local Greens, so do reach out if you’re keen to know more.

A Green councillor, Dave Mansell, represents Upper Tone. He is the leader of the Somerset Council Green Group, which has five councillors.

Western Somerset Green Party Parliamentary Constituencies
Taunton & Wellington
Tiverton and Minehead*1
Wells and Mendip Hills*2
*indicated a constituency shared with another local branch
2022 Electoral Wards2022 Electoral Wards (continued)
BrentHighbridge & Burnham South
Bishop’s Hull & Taunton WestHuntspill
Blackdown & NerocheKing Alfred
Bridgwater East & BawdripLydeard
Bridgwater North & CentralMinehead
Bridgwater SouthMonkton & North Curry
Bridgwater WestNorth Petherton
Burnham on Sea NorthRowbarton & Staplegrove
CanningtonTaunton East
CheddarTaunton South
Comeytrowe & TrullTaunton North
Dulverton & ExmoorUpper Tone
DunsterWatchet & Stogursey
  1. Mid-Devon Greens ↩︎
  2. Wells and Mendip Hills Greens ↩︎
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